The Levante Salud Dentistry service has a team of great qualified and experienced professionals to provide high quality care offering the best solutions in a comprehensive way to all oral health problems in a personalized way and always using the latest technologies in treatments.
In our daily practice we take care of:
Dental aesthetics, Teeth whitening, Aesthetic prosthesis, Aesthetic Orthodontics.
• General and advanced digital implantology.
• Pediatric dentistry.
• Periodontics: Treatment of gum diseases (gingivitis and periodontitis).
• Orthodontics: Aesthetic, Invisible or Conventional.
• Dental prosthesis: Fixed (Crowns, Bridges,) and Removable.

“Hello, I can say that my job is to deliver a healthy, long-lasting, and aesthetic smile to my patients. I consider myself a meticulous, sincere and very committed person to work.
My greatest satisfaction is being able to help complex patients with their smile …
… I tell you that when I was a teenager, I was very ashamed to smile, I tried to hide my laughter by placing my hand on my mouth. Smiling for photos was unthinkable.
One day, a doctor changed my life … I began to laugh with confidence, without complexes …
It was then, when I decided that:
I would do the same, I would dedicate myself to Orthodontics! “
Dra. Jennifer Leprevost Santana

“Hello, my area of work is focused on treating those teeth that present periodontitis and gingivitis (teeth with mobility, bleeding gums and pain), to try to restore their health, function and that they can remain in the mouth for many years.
In those patients who have lost their teeth, we recover their function, aesthetics and health with the placement of dental implants. With a safe and predictable surgical procedure we restore our patients the confidence to smile!!“
Dr. Eduardo Luiz

“Hi, I’m Susana, dental hygienist at the Clinic, and in charge of patient care.
I am always available to patients when they need me, with all my desire and enthusiasm. I love the world of dentistry and, like my colleagues, I also regularly attend courses and congresses in order to be up-to-date.
In fact, my passion is surgery.
I will solve all your doubts, as many times as necessary, and I will be here whenever you need to know something about your treatment. We will talk by phone, whatsapp or email.If you are looking for familiarity and trust, Levante Salud- Odontología is the place ”.
Suzana Peiró Martínez